The First Dragonfly of the Year was this Handsome Blue Dasher
The First Dragonfly of the Year was this Handsome Blue Dasher shows readers the author/artist’s first dragonfly photograph for the year.
The First Dragonfly of the Year was this Handsome Blue Dasher shows readers the author/artist’s first dragonfly photograph for the year.
This Great Blue Skimmer is a Throwback to Summer shows readers an image from early August and explains the basic process that took it from its original state to this state.
A Colorful and Curious Great Blue Skimmer tells readers the story of the author’s encounter with a male great blue skimmer. It also shares the author’s favorite image from that afternoon.
The Beautiful Blue Dashers Have Been Plentiful This Year shows readers a male and a female blue dasher dragonfly. It then goes on to discuss the author’s experiences with them on her own property.
A Nearly Perfect Afternoon with Some Beautiful Dragonflies shows readers the little blue dragonlet. It is a very small, usually about one inch long, dragonfly. It tends to be shy and flies and perches low to avoid predators.
A Great Blue Skimmer this Summer was a Happy Surprise tells the story of how the author discovered and identified this dragonfly that had been hanging around. It also gives readers some basic facts about Great blue skimmers.
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