Today was All About the Colorful Red Bellied Woodpeckers
A Big Yawn Most mornings I enjoy having my first cup of coffee outside with the birds and other wild...
A Big Yawn Most mornings I enjoy having my first cup of coffee outside with the birds and other wild...
Strike Two Whenever there are woodpeckers around, I really enjoy watching and photographing them. First of all, they are all...
Downy Woodpecker For about a year now there has been a pretty little downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) living in the...
Jump Sometimes I like to go out and look for new places where there may be wildlife, birds, cool insects,...
Winter Stash I’ve always had a real interest in animals behavior (hence the Master’s degree in the subject), so I...
Red Bellied Bird in Paradise If you were a wild animal, where would you want to live? I can’t ask...
Hang Up It’s definitely been woodpecker week, here at What Next Farm. Earlier in the week I had a great...
The Red Bellied Woodpecker is Great at Being an Insectivore discusses several adaptations that all wood boring woodpeckers have that allow them to drill, to eat, and to protect themselves. It also shows why this bird is called red bellied.
The Red-bellied Woodpecker is a Fancy, Colorful Bird show readers a female of the species. It also fills them in on some interesting facts about these beautiful birds including their range, habitats, and diet.
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