The Beautiful Little Oven Birds are Back
Now that fall is here, I have been hoping that I would have an oven bird (Seiurus aurocapilla) move onto the property like I did last year. About three weeks ago, one showed up for a couple of days and then it moved on. It was very shy and wouldn’t come out of the underbrush at all when I was outside. Then at the end of last week another one arrived and brought a friend. I have no way of knowing if one of them is the bird from last year or not, but these two seem to be sticking around. And at least one of them isn’t terribly frightened by me or by the other birds at the station. I shot this video of it while it cleaned up suet crumbs from the porch. As you can see, the woodpeckers and the squirrels are very messy eaters. The smaller birds are great at picking up every crumb, though.