There are Colorful Cardinals All Over My Yard
Always Watchful I’m absolutely amazed that the young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are still hanging around in my yard. Momma and...
Always Watchful I’m absolutely amazed that the young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are still hanging around in my yard. Momma and...
Say What?! This year’s bunch of young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) haven’t left yet despite Poppa’s efforts to get them to...
Here I Come The first clutch of baby eastern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are all “grown up” and on their own...
Wood Stork On Tuesday, I was driving to work when I spotted this juvenile wood stork (Mycteria americana), or American...
Misbehaving During my last trip out to Cedar Key to try to find flamingos, I also ran across quite a...
The Egret Rookery Is an Interesting Sight to See shows some photos that the author/artist took at an egret rookery. It shows both chicks and adult cattle egrets. It explains how she found this sight and how much she enjoys going there.
A Little Family of Sandhill Cranes is a Beautiful Sight features the photo of a family of three of these amazing birds. It explains where they were and what they were doing.
The Immature Cardinals are Adorable and Fun to Watch features a young male cardinal fledgling. He was brought to a feeding station by his father and showed watchers some entertaining personality.
A Pair of Beautiful Young Cardinals Make Good Subjects for Drawing shows readers the author’s latest artwork and tell readers the background story of the work.
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