Bright Wood Sorrel is a Colorful Spring Wildflower
Springtime Wood Sorrel Every spring there is a section of my yard that gets covered in these small, bright yellow...
Springtime Wood Sorrel Every spring there is a section of my yard that gets covered in these small, bright yellow...
Early Dewberry Flower Spring is now in full swing in central Florida. Every time I go out anywhere I see...
Luminous Jessamine At the end of each winter, I look forward to the springtime return of our many colorful wildflowers...
New Mullien As the spring season continues to unfold, not only are the birds nesting and preparing for the breeding...
Winter Radish Earlier in January I was out walking and was shocked to come across a plant that was blooming...
A Winter’s Flower In general, winter is not a time of year known for its beautiful flowers, but once in...
Late Bloom This morning I decided to get up early and head out to take some photos. It was supposed...
Crescent and Bee Last week on my way home I discovered a beautiful climbing aster bush on the banks of...
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
Autumn Bulltongue This morning, I was up and about earlier than usual, since I had to go to work for...
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