Here’s Hoping that Everyone had a Glowingly Wonderful Thanksgiving
Here’s Hoping that Everyone had a Glowingly Wonderful Thanksgiving wishes everyone a belated Thanksgiving holiday and tells readers about the author/artist’s unusual celebration.
Here’s Hoping that Everyone had a Glowingly Wonderful Thanksgiving wishes everyone a belated Thanksgiving holiday and tells readers about the author/artist’s unusual celebration.
People Often Have Some Strange Ideas About Their Breeds is an amusing story about one dog breeder’s odd idea that dogs with wrinkled skin also have wrinkled intestines. It emphasizes how dealing with people is the hardest part of veterinary medicine.
It’s Amazing What the Imagination Can Convince People that They See! is an amusing story about how a piece of trash was mistaken for a deceased animal.
The Further Wonderful Adventures of a Goat Named Sara Beth is the conclusion to the story of Sara Beth and tells of several more of her adventures.
The Wonderful Adventures of a Goat Named Sara Beth is the story of how Sara Beth went from a three day old baby with her mother to a spoiled house pet. Part one of two.
How to Turn Around a Bad Day in TNR: Conclusion is the ending to last week’s veterinary story about a day in TNR when just about everything possible went wrong. In the end, the work all gets done, thanks to a lot of great teamwork.
How to Turn Around a Bad Day in TNR tells the story of a day of fixing cats that went from bad to worse, but was eventually salvaged by teamwork. This is the first of two parts.
Goats Make Wonderful Pets, Companions, and Watch Dogs tells two amusing stories about the author’s first goat. https://whatnext10.com/?p=1752
An Interesting Case of Mistaken Identity in Veterinary Medicine is an entertaining story of a client encounter in a veterinary office. Read it at www.whatnext10.com
More How to Communicate with Clients in Veterinary Medicine tells two more amusing stories of how clients can misunderstand what we believe to be clear instructions.
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