This is the Week for Colorful, Patchy Babies
Patch I’m not seeing much of Momma and Poppa cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) out at the feeding station these days, which...
Patch I’m not seeing much of Momma and Poppa cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) out at the feeding station these days, which...
Proud Parent The cattle egret chicks (Bubulcus ibis) are now growing like mad. What used to be little fluff balls...
Drizzle It has finally started to rain in my part of central Florida, and as is typical, the rain comes...
The Egret Rookery Is an Interesting Sight to See shows some photos that the author/artist took at an egret rookery. It shows both chicks and adult cattle egrets. It explains how she found this sight and how much she enjoys going there.
The Male Brown Pelican has Very Colorful Breeding Plumage features a male brown pelican swimming in a canal in his full breeding plumage. It explains the difference in the breeding and nonbreeding plumage and discusses where the author/artist found this particular bird.
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