Common Ground Doves Can Be Colorful in the Morning Sun shows readers a little dove that frequently shows up at the author/artist’s feeder. It discusses some of the habits of these interesting little birds.
The Carolina Wren Sings a Beautiful Song introduces readers to this interesting small bird from eastern North America. It tells readers some information about them and about the author/artist’s experiences with them.
The Eastern Bluebird is Colorful and Highly Territorial features a minimalist photo of a male Eastern bluebird defending his territory with a song. It explains where the author/artist found the bird and a bit more about their interaction.
The Carolina Chickadee is an Interesting and Adorable Little Bird presents an image of one of the chickadees that frequently comes to the author’s/artist’s feeder. It also talks a little about these friendly little birds.
The Interesting Tufted Titmouse is a Full Time Florida Resident shows readers a couple images of a tufted titmouse that lives near the author/artist’s house. It discusses the resident birds and their preferences at feeding time.
The Black Capped Chickadee is an Amazing, Loved Songbird tells readers about the incredible adaptations this little bird has made to live in a harsh environment. It also gives readers some basic facts concerning this much loved songbird.
The Downy Woodpecker is a Beautiful Little Bird shows readers several images of the smallest woodpecker in North America. It gives readers some insight into these birds including range, habitats, diet, and some habits.
A Pair of Beautiful Young Cardinals Make Good Subjects for Drawing shows readers the author’s latest artwork and tell readers the background story of the work.
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