It’s Breeding Time for Central Florida’s Beautiful Birds
A Beautiful Song It’s definitely springtime here in central Florida. Wildflowers are blooming like crazy, everything is getting green again,...
A Beautiful Song It’s definitely springtime here in central Florida. Wildflowers are blooming like crazy, everything is getting green again,...
Profile of Woodrine Recently the red bellied woodpeckers (Melanerpes carolinus) have been very full of energy and spunk. There are...
A Bird in the Bush Recently I’ve been showing a lot of images of the wonderful array winter birds that...
A Big Yawn Most mornings I enjoy having my first cup of coffee outside with the birds and other wild...
Three Little Doves are We We have several types of doves in Florida, but the two most common ones that...
Chick-a-dee There are plenty of really adorable little birds that come and go on my property. My absolute favorite is...
Handsome Back in 2023, Momma and Poppa cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) raised three clutches of little cardinals, and by the time...
Strike Two Whenever there are woodpeckers around, I really enjoy watching and photographing them. First of all, they are all...
Awash in Sunlight The adorable little common ground doves (Columbina passerina) are one of my most consistent feeder visitors. Normally...
Probing I think I will always enjoy watching wading birds feed. There are so many different styles among the various...
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