Honey Bees Really Love These Gorgeous Fall Asters
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Bumbledore I couldn’t resist the name on the first photo because, yes, I am a Harry Potter nerd. And although...
Brown Wings Up until very recently, there have been a lot of these cute little male brown winged sweat bees...
Arrival Central Florida provides a good environment for growing quite a few types of flowering trees and our rural area...
Flower Hopper For the last week or so, I’ve been seeing and enjoying having an increased number of pollinators around....
Another Hungry Wasp I have always been captivated by the exquisite beauty of scoliid wasps, including this one that was...
It’s Lovebug Season and These Little Guys are Everywhere reminds readers that although they can be annoying, lovebugs are actually great for the environment. It explains what they do that makes them so good.
Blister Beetles are Beautiful to Look at, but Don’t Touch shows readers a fall blister beetle that the author/artist found eating the petals of a flower. It explains why they can cause blisters in people and horses and also gives some other information about them.
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