These Colorful Little Hoverflies are Also Great Pollinators
Northern Plushback One of the pollinators that I’ve been seeing lately that I was not familiar with is the pretty...
Northern Plushback One of the pollinators that I’ve been seeing lately that I was not familiar with is the pretty...
Bristles and Stamens Among my favorites in the insect world are the pollinators. Even though bees have probably gotten the...
Noble Scoliid Wasps are Beautiful and Great for the Environment shows readers what these pretty wasps look like. It explains some of the basic facts about them and discusses where these wasps were found.
Ligated Furrow Bees are an Interesting Type of Sweat Bee tells readers some basic facts about these little, social bees. It also compares them to some other types of sweat bees as well as providing photographic images.
Hanging Upside Down Allows the Wasp to Drain the Flowers features a fine-backed red paper wasp hanging upside down in order to feed on nectar from a row of flowers. These guys are actually fall pollinators and just beginning to nest right now.
The Amazing Honey Bee Carries Colorful Pollen on it’s Legs shows readers a honey bee loaded with pollen as it heads back to the hive. It goes on to explain how and why they transport pollen.
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