These Colorful Little Hoverflies are Also Great Pollinators
Northern Plushback One of the pollinators that I’ve been seeing lately that I was not familiar with is the pretty...
Northern Plushback One of the pollinators that I’ve been seeing lately that I was not familiar with is the pretty...
Bristles and Stamens Among my favorites in the insect world are the pollinators. Even though bees have probably gotten the...
Just Another Beautiful Bee on a Flower shows readers a wild honey bee hanging upside down from a blackjack flower. Bees are very flexible in the positions that they will get into to reach the flower’s pollen and nectar.
The Two Spotted Bumble Bee is a Tremendous Pollenator tells of the author’s adventures in trying to photograph bees. It also gives some interesting information about the two spotted bumble bee which is one of only a few bees that is doing well..
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