The Stately Live Oak Tree is the Classic Southern Oak
The Stately Live Oak Tree is the Classic Southern Oak talks about the author’s experiences with one particular live oak tree, and discusses some facts about live oaks in general.
The Stately Live Oak Tree is the Classic Southern Oak talks about the author’s experiences with one particular live oak tree, and discusses some facts about live oaks in general.
Sunrise in Central Florida is a Beautiful, Uplifting Time of Day shares several new images of sunrises in the central Florida woods.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Know Light Intensity discusses light intensity, how it can be managed, and how if effects our images in nature photography.
How to Take Great Nature Photographs: Know Light Direction is the third in a series of posts that discuss how nature photographers can use their knowledge of light to improve their images. This post focuses on light directionality.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Know Color discusses various basic aspects of color and how they work in photography.
Sunsets and Sunrises Make Great Subjects for Landscape Photos discusses landscape photography in general, and why sunsets and sunrises make great photo subjects.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Know Light discusses the various aspects of light and how to use them while taking photos.
How to Work With Composition to Take Great Nature Photographs gives photographers some tips on working with composition both preprocessing and post processing when taking nature photos.
One of the best ways to have fun with your photography and learn a lot is to join a photography group. It’s a scary thing to do, but for me it has been a great experience and I highly recommend it to everyone!
One of the key aspects to taking good nature photographs is to learn patience. This is the story of how I learned that lesson the hard way.
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