The Woods are Full of Amazing Butterflies Right Now features a beautiful zebra swallowtail butterfly, but it discusses the fact that there are lots and lots of butterflies out right now. It also explains that this first generation is very active trying to find mates and feeding on the many flowers.
The Beautiful Spring Flowers and Pollinators Go Hand in Hand shows readers a common fleabane flower with a small coppery metallic furrow bee. Both are common in the springtime in central Florida and work very well together.
The Swallow Tailed Kite is a Beautiful and Unusual Raptor tells readers about an interesting experience the author/artist had with this particular bird. It also gives some information about the birds, their range, breeding habits, and migration.
Springtime Whites Can be Beautiful, Too shows readers a couple of white wildflowers that bloom in the spring. It’s a common tendency to think of brightly colored flowers when we think of springtime, but the whites are pretty, too!
Carolina Wolf Spiders Look Scarier than They Are shows readers a closeup, macro photo of the face of a wolf spider. It discusses the author/artist’s encounter with this particular spider and the reactions of others to these guys in general.
It’s Spring and Love is in the Air shows readers two pairs of Eastern leaf-footed bugs in the process of breeding.
The Carolina Chickadee is an Interesting and Adorable Little Bird presents an image of one of the chickadees that frequently comes to the author’s/artist’s feeder. It also talks a little about these friendly little birds.
Carolina Geraniums are One of the Most Interesting Spring Wildflowers shows readers several images of this small, beautiful wildflower. It tells people about its range, habitat, and status. It also explains why it’s beneficial to wildlife.
The Pipevine Swallowtail is a Beautiful Spring Butterfly features one of Florida’s prettiest butterflies. It also shares some basic facts about them including range, preferred foods, and behavior.
An Unusual View of a Thistle Flower is Stunning shows readers a macro image of the center of a purple thistle flower just after opening. It also explains why the author/artist chose to take the photo.
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