How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Silhouettes
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Silhouettes discusses using silhouettes in nature photography and gives some pointers for getting good silhouette photos. Learn more at www.whatnext10.com
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Silhouettes discusses using silhouettes in nature photography and gives some pointers for getting good silhouette photos. Learn more at www.whatnext10.com
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Shapes discusses different types of shapes and how they contribute to the composition of a photo. It also suggests several ways to practice using shapes to get comfortable with them.
One of the Joys of Spring is the Early Plant Growth tells how the first signs of spring have started in the southern United States. It discusses the early growth of some plants and the first flowers beginning to blossom.
Surprise! A Beautiful Alder Leaf Beetle on the Passion Fruit tell of findings one of these pretty little beetles that usually live on alder trees munching on a passion fruit vine leaf.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Be Observant discusses how to get interesting photos even in unusual places by being aware of what’s around you.
The Stately Live Oak Tree is the Classic Southern Oak talks about the author’s experiences with one particular live oak tree, and discusses some facts about live oaks in general.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Know Light Intensity discusses light intensity, how it can be managed, and how if effects our images in nature photography.
Sunsets and Sunrises Make Great Subjects for Landscape Photos discusses landscape photography in general, and why sunsets and sunrises make great photo subjects.
One of the best ways to have fun with your photography and learn a lot is to join a photography group. It’s a scary thing to do, but for me it has been a great experience and I highly recommend it to everyone!
Go Gopher One of my favorite animals that I meet in the Florida sandhills is the gopher tortoise. They are...
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