The Beauty of a Single Feather Can be Amazing!
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Summer Solstice is Today and a Wonderful Time to Celebrate discusses the summer solstice in both ancient times and modern times.
Happy Fathers Day to All You Dads Out There! wishes Father’s a great Father’s Day with a bit of the beauty of nature.
It’s National Get Outdoors Day, So Have an Amazing Day! reminds people to get outside, enjoy nature, and have fun in the fresh air.
It’s World Ocean Day and It’s Important! Is a reminder of the importance of the oceans as the source of all life. If we destroy our oceans, we destroy ourselves, so consider what you can do to help protect our oceans.
Yesterday was World Environment Day! aims to celebrate this special yearly event established by the United Nations. This year it also kicks off a decade devoted to protecting and restoring the environment all around the world.
Hope Everyone is Having a Great Memorial Day! wishes everyone a great day, and urges us to all take a few minutes to remember those who have been lost and appreciate what we have n this great country.
Henry Beck Park is Beautiful and Perfect for Nature Watching tells of the author’s trip to a small, relatively unknown Florida park. It describes the park, it’s family oriented nature, and some of the wildlife to be seen there.
Happy Mother’s Day to All the Wonderful Mothers Including Mother Earth! wishes everyone a Happy Mother’s Day and shares some of the beauty of the Mother of us all, Mother Earth.
Happy Earth Day to You! Wishes everyone a great Earth Day 2021 by sharing several images of Mother Earth. It also reminds us of what Earth Day is all about.
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