How to Take Great Nature Photos: Use Shapes discusses different types of shapes and how they contribute to the composition of a photo. It also suggests several ways to practice using shapes to get comfortable with them.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Watch Your Foregrounds and Backgrounds discusses several ways to improve photographic images by using foregrounds and backgrounds that complement the main subject.
The Scarlet Winged Lichen Moth: Beautiful Adult but Bland Caterpillar tells the story of how I first noticed this beautiful and common moth, but have never noticed it’s well camouflaged caterpillar.
The Amazing Numbers and Types of Turtles in Florida is a brief overview of the thirty plus species of turtles and tortoises that live in Florida.
The Stately Live Oak Tree is the Classic Southern Oak talks about the author’s experiences with one particular live oak tree, and discusses some facts about live oaks in general.
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