An Acorn Can Make a Great Study of Texture
Where’s the Nut? I had so much fun making the photo stack that I did last night that I had...
Where’s the Nut? I had so much fun making the photo stack that I did last night that I had...
Splendid Radish Now that a few wildflowers have started to appear here in north Central Florida, there has been an...
Portrait of a Red Bellied Woodpecker The birds have been very active lately and loads of birds are coming to...
First Chicory Yesterday I showed you some of the first redbud flowers of the year. While I was taking those...
Onion Stalk Parasol Over the summer and fall, after we started getting some rain, these pretty little onion stalk parasol...
Purple Spear Spending time in nature is a truly beautiful experience. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the wonders...
Late Blooms It’s very late fall (actually technically just became winter) and even in Florida we don’t have a lot...
Watermelon Pond Recently, I’ve taken a couple of great hikes out on a friend’s property that backs up on a...
Park Bench Yesterday I featured a photo that I took at the top of a small creek in Homosassa, Florida...
Purple Prickles When this beautiful red-spotted purple butterfly (Limenitis arthemis astyanax) elegantly landed on a vibrant prickly poppy flower (Argemone...
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