A White Moth Becomes a Colorful Blush in the Night
A White Moth Becomes a Colorful Blush in the Night discusses the motivation and some of the process involved in turning a photo of a white moth into a colorful artwork.
A White Moth Becomes a Colorful Blush in the Night discusses the motivation and some of the process involved in turning a photo of a white moth into a colorful artwork.
Happy Easter Everyone! wishes everyone a happy Easter holiday and celebrates with an array of colorful wildflowers.
A Foggy Morning Can Make for a Great Sunrise shows readers a beautiful Florida sunrise on a morning with thick fog.
The Mable Orchard Orb Weaver is a Fancy, Colorful Spider shows readers the first of these spiders for this year. The small spider was photographed on a decorative surface that seemed appropriate for a decorative spider.
Garden Valerian is a Useful but Invasive Herb discusses garden valerian both as a potentially invasive weed escaped from gardens and as an edible, medicinal herb. Like many other things in nature it can be both good and bad.
Spring is Here When the Beautiful Azaleas Blossom discusses the first day of spring occurring just days ago. It explains how large numbers of azaleas and phlox flowers are a sure sign that spring is here to stay.
The Final Tree in the Series is a Beautiful Longleaf Pine shows readers the latest in the tree series of artistic photographs. Tonight’s image is of a longleaf pine, which was an extremely important tree in the development of the south.
A Series of Florida Trees is Not Complete Without a Palm introduces readers to the latest image in the tree series of fine art photographs. It tells readers a bit about the cabbage palm which happens to be the Florida state tree.
A Colorful Flower is Great for Interesting Photos explains why the author/artist chose to process the featured image this way.
Autumn Colors are Interesting in the Spring, Too discusses what prompted the author to shoot tonight’s featured image. It also explains why this particular photo was chosen.
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