Micro Photography is Interesting and Lots of Fun
Lichen and Sand I’m always looking for new and interesting things to do with my photography and artwork, so when...
Lichen and Sand I’m always looking for new and interesting things to do with my photography and artwork, so when...
Slivered A tiny slice of moon glows above the trees, Sharing the sky with small twinkling stars. The night sky...
A lot of artists give studio tours, both in person and on social media, and more than one person has...
Nearing Full This evening, on my way home from work, I decided to stop at the Bailey Trails in Gothe...
Mullien After Rain On Wednesday we had some pretty wicked morning weather with severe thunderstorms, wind, rain, and a tornado...
Where’s the Nut? I had so much fun making the photo stack that I did last night that I had...
Splendid Radish Now that a few wildflowers have started to appear here in north Central Florida, there has been an...
Purple Spear Spending time in nature is a truly beautiful experience. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the wonders...
A Watchful Eye From intricate problem-solving skills to impressive social dynamics, the world of animals is teeming with intelligence. Beyond...
Colors, Shapes, and Textures I have always loved being outside in the beauty of nature. I grew up in large...
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