Nature has Lots of Interesting Small Things to See
Fern Frizz It was a perfect afternoon this afternoon, and I was longing to be outside doing something. I had...
Fern Frizz It was a perfect afternoon this afternoon, and I was longing to be outside doing something. I had...
Redbuds! On Wednesday in my post, I noted that most of north central Florida is still sporting the browns of...
Bristles and Stamens Among my favorites in the insect world are the pollinators. Even though bees have probably gotten the...
Lustrous Jessamine I was very pleasantly surprised when I found this Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) blooming on my last hike...
Fall Resplendence Although my primary reason (other than to see my friends) when I went out to Watermelon Pond to...
Robber The robber fly, a cunning predator of the insect world, patiently perches on an aster, ready to pounce on...
Two of a Kind Witness the captivating sight of paired lovebugs (Plecia nearctica) on a vibrant blackjack flower. These enchanting...
Belly of the Star Belly On a recent trip to Cedar Key, I stopped to take some wildflower photos on...
Beetle in the Blooms This delightful slender flower longhorn beetle (Strangalia famelica) was yet another fall pollinator happily feasting on...
Another Hungry Wasp I have always been captivated by the exquisite beauty of scoliid wasps, including this one that was...
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