Micro Photography is Interesting and Lots of Fun
Lichen and Sand I’m always looking for new and interesting things to do with my photography and artwork, so when...
Lichen and Sand I’m always looking for new and interesting things to do with my photography and artwork, so when...
Lichens Can Be Surprisingly Colorful features another of Mother Nature’s beautiful works of art; a dead tree trunk covered in colored lichens. It explains why the author/artist was drawn to this tree trunk and why she took this photo.
British Soldiers is a Colorful Cup Lichen that Grows on Trees shows readers a specimen of this beautiful lichen. It explains what attracted the author/artist to it, and gives some basic facts about the lichen.
Deer Moss is One of Many Interesting Lichens in Florida shows readers an example of this pretty, fluffy lichen. It explains why the author/artist finds it attractive and provides basic facts about the lichen.
Even Lichens Can Be Beautiful shows an example of a Christmas wreath lichen. It discusses this colorful lichen’s range and preferred habitats as well as how it gets its color and its effects on the trees it grows on.
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