Beautiful Ammophila pectipennis Wasps Love the Nectar of Fall Wildflowers
Wasp with an Appetite. Until 2023, I had never seen, or at least never noticed these beautiful Ammophila pectipennis wasps....
Wasp with an Appetite. Until 2023, I had never seen, or at least never noticed these beautiful Ammophila pectipennis wasps....
. Mouth Parts This is an older photo that I had genuinely forgotten I had taken. It was taken back...
Atlantic Grasshopper As fall progresses, all of our local insects are filling themselves up either for trying to survive the...
Eastern Pondhawks are Colorful Dragonflies and Great Hunters features a female Eastern pondhawk that was hunting on the author/artist’s property. It explains why she likes them so much and gives a few facts about them.
Clubbed Mydas Flies are Really Great for Gardens features a male encountered while defending his territory. It tells readers about the lifecycle and habits of these flies and explains why they are unusual and good for gardeners.
The Eastern Shieldback Katydid is a Very Helpful Insect shows readers a fine specimen of one species also known as the robust shieldback. It discusses the insect’s range, diet, and habits and talks about this one in particular.
The Beautiful Palamedes Swallowtail Loves Fall Flowers tells readers how sometimes luck is important in nature photography. It shows several photos of a Palamedes swallowtail butterfly that the author/artist was lucky to get.
A Grasshopper on the Windshield Led to Beautiful, Unusual Photos shows readers an American bird grasshopper that jumped onto the author’s windshield. It also gives some interesting facts about these grasshoppers, including range and diet.
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