The Swallow Tailed Kite is a Beautiful and Unusual Raptor tells readers about an interesting experience the author/artist had with this particular bird. It also gives some information about the birds, their range, breeding habits, and migration.
Turkey Vultures are Interesting Members of Nature’s Cleanup Crew shows readers a couple images of a turkey vulture that is down with prey. It explains why the author/artist likes these birds so much and it explains a bit of their behavior.
Just Finished Up a Soaring New Artwork shows readers a new pen and ink style digital artwork by the author/artist. It also explains where the idea for the work came from and the artist’s special affection for these particular birds.
Can You Soar the Whole Way to the Moon? This evening’s post features a soaring black vulture in late afternoon, just as the moon is beginning to rise. It gives the impression that the bird is attempting to soar to the moon.
Vultures Love to Soar on High Winds shows readers photos of vultures taking advantage of a breezy afternoon to soar on the thermals. It also explains why the author/artist took the shots.
The Beautiful Great Egret is a Common Bird Worldwide shows readers several images of this gorgeous bird. It then give readers some insights into their behavior, range, diet, and preferred habitats.
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The Bald Eagle is a Magnificent, Stunning North American Raptor shows readers a pair of bald eagles that live near Seward, Alaska. It tells readers a little bit about this pair of birds and about bald eagles in general. Finally, it shows another bird in a more natural habitat.
Swamp Roosting Time Can be an Interesting, Noisy Affair shows readers a video of hundreds of cattle egrets, white ibis, and great egrets settling in to roost in the trees of a central Florida swamp.
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