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Crescent and Bee Last week on my way home I discovered a beautiful climbing aster bush on the banks of...
Crescent and Bee Last week on my way home I discovered a beautiful climbing aster bush on the banks of...
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
Arrival Central Florida provides a good environment for growing quite a few types of flowering trees and our rural area...
Just Another Beautiful Bee on a Flower shows readers a wild honey bee hanging upside down from a blackjack flower. Bees are very flexible in the positions that they will get into to reach the flower’s pollen and nectar.
The Amazing Honey Bee Carries Colorful Pollen on it’s Legs shows readers a honey bee loaded with pollen as it heads back to the hive. It goes on to explain how and why they transport pollen.
Honey Bees are Great Pollinators Because They Work Hard explains why honey bees are so industrious. It also shows them a macro image of one busy at work.
Wild Honey Bees Have an Interesting History and Lifestyle explains how honey bees came to the New World and where they came from. It also describes their social structure and lifestyle.
This is National Honey Bee Day and It’s Very Important tells readers about the history of this date and explains why honey bees are important to the environment and to mankind. Then it gives readers a few ways to celebrate this important yearly event.
Honey Bees Have an Incredibly Complex Social Structure discusses some basic information about the social structure of a honey bee hive. Some of the information is quite surprising!
Honey Bees are Incredible and Amazing gives readers insight to the author’s experience watching several new hives being set up in an organic honey business. It explains how the bees are transported, move into the new hive, and how the new hive is set up.
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