Grasshoppers Have Some Interesting and Complicated Mouths
. Mouth Parts This is an older photo that I had genuinely forgotten I had taken. It was taken back...
. Mouth Parts This is an older photo that I had genuinely forgotten I had taken. It was taken back...
Vivacious in Violet Well, of course, the answer to that question is yes. Originally, this was a nice, but rather...
Atlantic Grasshopper As fall progresses, all of our local insects are filling themselves up either for trying to survive the...
A Grasshopper on the Windshield Led to Beautiful, Unusual Photos shows readers an American bird grasshopper that jumped onto the author’s windshield. It also gives some interesting facts about these grasshoppers, including range and diet.
The Colorful Eastern Lubber Grasshopper is a Good Subject tells readers why these grasshoppers are great photo subjects. It also shows readers how pretty these photogenic insects can be.
The Iconic Red-legged Grasshopper is Important to the Ecosystem discusses the pros and cons of these common grasshoppers. It discusses how they can be crop pests, but they are also an important link to the rest of the food chain.
The Short-Winged Green Grasshopper is Interesting and Colorful gives readers some insight into the lifestyles of grasshoppers in general and this grasshopper in specific. It provides some interesting facts about these beautiful insects.
The Iconic Red Legged Grasshopper is Beautiful and Amazingly Adaptable is the story of one encounter with a grasshopper and how it reminded me of an incredible way that they adapt to food shortages.
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