Woolly Bears are Fuzzy, Beautiful, Fuzzy Caterpillars
Face of a Woolly Bear Some of the fuzziest caterpillars we see around north central Florida are the woolly bears...
Face of a Woolly Bear Some of the fuzziest caterpillars we see around north central Florida are the woolly bears...
Beautiful Woolly Bear Caterpillars Love Colorful Butterfly Bush shows a fuzzy woolly bear exploring and feasting on a butterfly bush. It explains how this patch was very attractive to numerous other butterflies as well and made for a wonderful experience.
This Fascinating, Hungry Woolly Bear Enjoys a Leaf is a video showing the voracious appetite this caterpillar can have. Watch to see how quickly the leaf disappears.
The Cute Woolly Bear Caterpillar Becomes a Beautiful Moth shows images of both the caterpillar and the moth and describes the lifestyle of the caterpillar. It also talks about the minimal damage that these caterpillars do, even to crops, in an effort to convince people to leave them be.
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