Bee Flies are Really Great for Gardens
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Long Legged Flies are Pretty and Helpful shows readers photos of one of Florida’s prettiest little flies. It also explains how useful these guys are and why they’re great to have around.
The Bee Flies Have Been Really Enjoying the Fall Flora explains our recent weather that has led to a sudden large bloom of fall flowers. It then discusses one of the pollinators that has found these flowers so attractive and explains the sequence of images.
This Great Blue Skimmer is a Throwback to Summer shows readers an image from early August and explains the basic process that took it from its original state to this state.
A Grasshopper on the Windshield Led to Beautiful, Unusual Photos shows readers an American bird grasshopper that jumped onto the author’s windshield. It also gives some interesting facts about these grasshoppers, including range and diet.
Winged Sumac is Great for Attracting Pollinators shows readers several types of pollinators that can be found feeding on the now flowering winged sumac plant. This plant only blooms for a few weeks, but it’s very important to these insects.
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Blue-Ringed Dancers are Beautiful and Graceful Damselflies shows readers a male and a female of this sexually dimorphic species. It also informs readers about some basic facts such as range and size.
The Ebony Jewelwing is a Stunning and Unusual Damselfly shows readers the gorgeous male ebony jewelwing and explains why it is somewhat different from most other damselflies. It also provides readers with information about the range and lifecycle.
A Nearly Perfect Afternoon with Some Beautiful Dragonflies shows readers the little blue dragonlet. It is a very small, usually about one inch long, dragonfly. It tends to be shy and flies and perches low to avoid predators.
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