Every Year Has a Wonderful Story to Play Out
Spring Flowers Today turned into a great day for wildflower photography. It was cool over night but warmed up to...
Spring Flowers Today turned into a great day for wildflower photography. It was cool over night but warmed up to...
Autumn Irredesence Every once in a while you run into nature’s beauty in the most unusual places. I found a...
Wheel of Myrtle A little while back we had a morning where the rain came down steadily for several hours,...
Transcendense Two years ago something happened that killed off about half of one of my gardenia bushes. I cut all...
Pear Branch Every once in a while, I like to take the back roads home from work. I never know...
Azaleas in Pink The local azaleas have been blooming for a couple of weeks now, but for some reason, the...
Peach Flower The afternoon that I noticed the redbud tree in our neighborhood blossoming was an interesting one for flowers....
Blushing Trumpet When I was out at Watermelon Pond, I found more than one pretty, trumpet shaped flower that was...
Fall Resplendence Although my primary reason (other than to see my friends) when I went out to Watermelon Pond to...
Resplendent Lantana (Lantana camara) flowers tend to be a favorite amongst gardeners due to their variety of colors and their...
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