The Sticky Seeds of the Beautiful Blackjack Plant are Effective
Beggar’s Sticks One of the main flowering plants that I have growing wild on my property are the blackjacks (Bidens...
Beggar’s Sticks One of the main flowering plants that I have growing wild on my property are the blackjacks (Bidens...
Autumn Bulltongue This morning, I was up and about earlier than usual, since I had to go to work for...
Resurrection Fern We have quite a few ferns that grow here in the southeastern United States, and they come in...
Fern Frizz It was a perfect afternoon this afternoon, and I was longing to be outside doing something. I had...
Fiery Colors Give New Life to a Group of Sedge Fruits describes the author/artist’s process for developing tonight’s colorful artistically modified photo.
Grasses are Beautiful When Perfectly Lit Up features a large spray of Johnson grass as it picks up the last of the afternoon light at dusk.
Late Year Dog Fennel Seeds Can be Glowingly Beautiful features a dog fennel plant in seed picking up the late afternoon light. It also tells readers a little bit about the plants in general and about the author/artist’s experience with them.
Chinese Firethorn has Bright Red Berries that Birds Love discusses the use of this nonnative shrub for gardens and barriers. It also provides basic facts such as native range and uses for wildlife, especially birds.
The Purple Thistle is Beautiful Even in Winter shows readers a purple thistle plant in an artistic fashion. It also explains that this is one of several evergreen plants that pop against the winters browns.
Prickly Pear is a Truly Beautiful Cactus shows readers an artistic rendering of a prickly pear in the Florida sandhills. It then explains why the author/artist likes these cacti so much and chose to create this image.
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