Carpenter Ants are Surprisingly Tidy Little Insects
Clean Feet Most of us tend to think of insects are dirty, germ infested animals that have very little intelligence....
Clean Feet Most of us tend to think of insects are dirty, germ infested animals that have very little intelligence....
Balanced Butterflies aren’t the only insects that can balance on an incredibly small, delicate bit of vegetation. Dragonflies are real...
Almost Changed Not too long ago I showed you guys a photo of an Eastern pondhawk dragonfly (Erythemis simplicicollis) who...
Familiar You never know what you might come across wandering around in the wetlands around the cattle egret rookery. In...
Passionate Fritillary Back in June, we had lots of these gorgeous orange gulf fritillary butterflies (Agraulis vanillae) floating around. Then...
Downward Hairstreak Grey hairstreaks (Strymon melinus) are a very small butterfly, especially when compared to ones like the Palamedes swallowtails....
Prime Perch When I was photographing the chaste trees and the many types of pollinators that were attracted to them,...
Deposit This pretty little zebra longwing butterfly (Heliconius charithonia) was very busy laying her eggs on various passion fruit vines....
Red Glow With all of our swamps, streams, lakes, rivers, and ponds, it’s not surprising that we have more than...
Big Bumble Last week when I was out there, the roadside in front of the cattle egret rookery was filled...
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