Before Long All of Our Colorful Insects Will be Returning
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
A Vivid Surprise A dull brown butterfly feeds quietly on a flower. A flutter of wings or a change in...
Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
Two of a Kind Witness the captivating sight of paired lovebugs (Plecia nearctica) on a vibrant blackjack flower. These enchanting...
Black Beauty The winged sumac flowers have come and gone, but they’re not forgotten. Back in September, when they were...
Hidden in the Grass Back in September, when I was returning home after a hike, I flushed several small striped...
It’s Lovebug Season and These Little Guys are Everywhere reminds readers that although they can be annoying, lovebugs are actually great for the environment. It explains what they do that makes them so good.
A Beautiful Butterfly is a Nice Break From Birds shows a colorful gulf fritillary butterfly that distracted the author/artist for a few minutes while she was out birding. It features her favorite image of several she shot of that butterfly before it flew off.
Long Legged Flies are Pretty and Helpful shows readers photos of one of Florida’s prettiest little flies. It also explains how useful these guys are and why they’re great to have around.
Blister Beetles are Beautiful to Look at, but Don’t Touch shows readers a fall blister beetle that the author/artist found eating the petals of a flower. It explains why they can cause blisters in people and horses and also gives some other information about them.
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