Old, Long Dead Wood Makes for a Beautiful Piece of Art
End of Days On one of my many hikes in the Gothe State Forest, I came across this long dead...
End of Days On one of my many hikes in the Gothe State Forest, I came across this long dead...
Watching the Moon Sink One morning when I was out and about pretty early, the moon was still up in...
Lilly Glow The end of March into early April includes a number of religious holidays for a number of religions,...
Love is in the Air Momma and Poppa wish a Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my readers and subscribers!...
Pinnacles and Peaks Watercolor Yesterday I presented a landscape photograph that I had processed through a program that gives it...
Tidal Marsh Watercolor During most of the year central Florida is teeming with flowers, insects, butterflies, and all manner of...
Color Me Skink We are now more or less in the dead of winter, which means that except for birds,...
Face of a Tortoise Sometimes I enjoy doing some artistic processing of some of my photos. I generally use a...
Cosmic Posterity One of the great things about nature is that it’s always changing. In the spring new life begins...
Reflections on Snakes Being a working artist is a journey filled with both ups and downs. It is a path...
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