The Size is Very Different Between the Beautiful Florida Doves
Three Little Doves are We We have several types of doves in Florida, but the two most common ones that...
Three Little Doves are We We have several types of doves in Florida, but the two most common ones that...
Fall Robin For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been seeing a lot of American robins (Turdus migratorius) all over...
Patch I’m not seeing much of Momma and Poppa cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) out at the feeding station these days, which...
Dig Deep The past few days have been very stressful thanks to a leaky hot water heater that set in...
Colorful Blue Jays are Brilliant and Often Quite Bold shows readers a young eastern blue jay that showed up at the author/artist’s feeding station. It tells readers how he behaved and how entertaining he was.
The Carolina Wren Sings a Beautiful Song introduces readers to this interesting small bird from eastern North America. It tells readers some information about them and about the author/artist’s experiences with them.
The Beautiful Great Egret is a Common Bird Worldwide shows readers several images of this gorgeous bird. It then give readers some insights into their behavior, range, diet, and preferred habitats.
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