The Ilia Underwing is a Beautiful Summer Moth
Ilia Underwing This little beauty was taking her afternoon siesta on the wall of my dog house one afternoon. I...
Ilia Underwing This little beauty was taking her afternoon siesta on the wall of my dog house one afternoon. I...
The Spragueia Moth is a Most Beautiful Creature features images of one of the author/artist’s favorite moths. It goes on to explain why she finds these moths so attractive and where this one was found.
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moths Have Interesting Habits discusses some unusual behaviors that set these odd looking little moths apart from other moths. It shows readers a moth that the author/artist spotted one evening.
The Hummingbird Clearwing Moth is an Extremely Interesting Insect shows readers photos of a hummingbird clearwing actively pollinating and feeding from azalea flowers. It discusses this unusual moth’s habits, feeding methods, range, and habitats among other things.
The Eight-spotted Forester is a Colorful Owlet Moth shows readers one of these gorgeous little moths. It also gives some basic facts about them and about this moth in particular.
The Colorful Ailanthus Webworm Moth is a Great Pollinator discusses the lifestyle of this pretty little moth. It also explains why it has extended its range and shows readers images of the adults.
The Spiny Oakworm Moth has Beautiful Fall Colors shows readers what one of these gorgeous moths looks like. It then gives some facts about the moth and explains how it got it’s name.
The Beautiful Black Bordered Lemon Moth Eats Weeds and Nectar introduces readers to this small, brightly colored moth. It explains why these moths are considered valuable to people and shares some interesting facts about them.
These Two Colorful Beauties are Summer Favorites shows readers a photo taken in the author’s own yard. It identifies the species involved and explains why they are favorites.
A Beautiful and Colorful Rendition of a Polyphemus Moth shows readers a large Polyphemus moth that has been artistically recolored in shades of green and yellow. Naturally these moths are reddish brown, marked with black and white.
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