Before Long All of Our Colorful Insects Will be Returning
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Fall Dasher The weather is finally starting to warm up (not that we couldn’t end up with more cold before...
Wasp with an Appetite. Until 2023, I had never seen, or at least never noticed these beautiful Ammophila pectipennis wasps....
Up, Up, and Away Yesterday I decided to take what I call a “bug walk” around my property. After several...
Clean Feet Most of us tend to think of insects are dirty, germ infested animals that have very little intelligence....
Familiar You never know what you might come across wandering around in the wetlands around the cattle egret rookery. In...
Prime Perch When I was photographing the chaste trees and the many types of pollinators that were attracted to them,...
Ilia Underwing This little beauty was taking her afternoon siesta on the wall of my dog house one afternoon. I...
Flitting Fritillary A short time ago I showed everyone the spiky orange caterpillar of the gulf fritillary butterfly (Agraulis vanillae),...
Blue Deluxe Along with numerous flowers, come numerous insects, and along with insects come predators. One type of highly successful...
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