Robber Flies Can be Unpredictable and Interesting
Up, Up, and Away Yesterday I decided to take what I call a “bug walk” around my property. After several...
Up, Up, and Away Yesterday I decided to take what I call a “bug walk” around my property. After several...
Northern Plushback One of the pollinators that I’ve been seeing lately that I was not familiar with is the pretty...
It’s Lovebug Season and These Little Guys are Everywhere reminds readers that although they can be annoying, lovebugs are actually great for the environment. It explains what they do that makes them so good.
Long Legged Flies are Pretty and Helpful shows readers photos of one of Florida’s prettiest little flies. It also explains how useful these guys are and why they’re great to have around.
Clubbed Mydas Flies are Really Great for Gardens features a male encountered while defending his territory. It tells readers about the lifecycle and habits of these flies and explains why they are unusual and good for gardeners.
A Tiny Fly Laying her Eggs is Very Interesting features a tiny compost fly laying her eggs on the stamen of a passion fruit flower. It explains how the author/artist found the little fly and realized what she was doing.
Bee Flies are Very Interesting to Watch Feed discusses bee flies which are flies that strongly resemble bees. It particularly discusses their feeding habits and an unusual feeding behavior noticed by the author.
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