Before Long All of Our Colorful Insects Will be Returning
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Balanced Butterflies aren’t the only insects that can balance on an incredibly small, delicate bit of vegetation. Dragonflies are real...
Almost Changed Not too long ago I showed you guys a photo of an Eastern pondhawk dragonfly (Erythemis simplicicollis) who...
Prime Perch When I was photographing the chaste trees and the many types of pollinators that were attracted to them,...
Changing Even though the main attraction of the cattle egret rookery is the birds, they are far from the only...
A Dash of Gold As I have mentioned before, there seem to be a lot of blue dashers around this...
Blue Deluxe Along with numerous flowers, come numerous insects, and along with insects come predators. One type of highly successful...
The Beautiful Amanda’s Pennant is a Very Busy Dragonfly shows readers a species of dragonfly that was new to the author/artist. It tells the story of trying to get some good photos of these active dragonflies and gives a bit of information about them.
The First Dragonfly of the Year was this Handsome Blue Dasher shows readers the author/artist’s first dragonfly photograph for the year.
This Great Blue Skimmer is a Throwback to Summer shows readers an image from early August and explains the basic process that took it from its original state to this state.
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