Cooler Winter Weather has the Little Birds Feeling Ravenous
Voracious Every morning that I can, I like to sit outside near my bird feeding station and watch the birds...
Voracious Every morning that I can, I like to sit outside near my bird feeding station and watch the birds...
Chick-a-dee There are plenty of really adorable little birds that come and go on my property. My absolute favorite is...
Chickadee In Pokeberry In the late spring to early summer the cute little Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) headed further north...
Small Bird, Small Twig Over the summer I have seen very few Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) at my feeding station....
Song of the Chickadee The little Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis) are year round residents to Florida and to my property....
Amidst the Bounty One of the regulars at my feeding station are the adorable little Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis). There...
The Carolina Chickadee is an Interesting and Adorable Little Bird presents an image of one of the chickadees that frequently comes to the author’s/artist’s feeder. It also talks a little about these friendly little birds.
The Black Capped Chickadee is an Amazing, Loved Songbird tells readers about the incredible adaptations this little bird has made to live in a harsh environment. It also gives readers some basic facts concerning this much loved songbird.
The Carolina Chickadee is a Fun and Interesting Backyard Friend tells the readers about the chickadees that come to her feeder. It then gives some interesting information about these birds.
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