Woolly Bears are Fuzzy, Beautiful, Fuzzy Caterpillars
Face of a Woolly Bear Some of the fuzziest caterpillars we see around north central Florida are the woolly bears...
Face of a Woolly Bear Some of the fuzziest caterpillars we see around north central Florida are the woolly bears...
Out of the Forest You have probably read some place that if you are looking, you can find nature all...
Life on Passion Fruit I had been starting to wonder if I was going to get any passion fruit vines...
Beautiful Woolly Bear Caterpillars Love Colorful Butterfly Bush shows a fuzzy woolly bear exploring and feasting on a butterfly bush. It explains how this patch was very attractive to numerous other butterflies as well and made for a wonderful experience.
The Forest Tent Caterpillar is Quite Stunning shows readers a colorful little caterpillar that will eventually become a plain tan moth. It also points out some interesting and unusual facts about this caterpillar.
This Fascinating, Hungry Woolly Bear Enjoys a Leaf is a video showing the voracious appetite this caterpillar can have. Watch to see how quickly the leaf disappears.
This Interesting Caterpillar Becomes a Truly Beautiful Butterfly shows readers the pipevine swallowtail butterfly and it’s cool looking caterpillar. It gives some valuable information about both the caterpillars and the butterflies.
The Salt Marsh Caterpillar Comes in Various Interesting Colors shows readers a very active and athletic salt marsh caterpillar as it moves around in a coral honeysuckle bush. It also gives readers some interesting information about these cool caterpillars.
Caterpillars are Such Cool, Interesting Little Creatures shows readers some macro photographs of a salt marsh moth caterpillar as it crawls around on a passion fruit vine leaf. It also explains why the author so enjoyed them when they were around.
The Long Tailed Skipper: Crop Pest or Beautiful Pollinator? discusses this unusual and surprising butterfly both as the crop pest that it’s caterpillars can be, and as the beautiful pollinators that they grow up to be. It also shows readers it’s remarkable colors that are only visible from above.
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