The First Flowers of Spring Were Beautiful Carolina Jessamines
Luminous Jessamine At the end of each winter, I look forward to the springtime return of our many colorful wildflowers...
Luminous Jessamine At the end of each winter, I look forward to the springtime return of our many colorful wildflowers...
Lustrous Jessamine I was very pleasantly surprised when I found this Carolina jessamine (Gelsemium sempervirens) blooming on my last hike...
The Beauty of Spring is a Wonderful Thing to See shows readers several signs that spring has come to central Florida. These signs includes several types of flowers, American robins, and carpenter ants pollinating some of the flowers.
Carolina Jessamine is a Beautiful Early Spring Bloom tells how the author found a familiar garden plant growing in the wild and discovered that it was native to Florida long before it was used in gardens. It also discusses some of the interesting aspects of this plant.
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