Butterflies Can Have Interesting Mating Rituals, Too
Butterfly Love At the end of last year, as the weather started to get cooler, the local butterflies were all...
Butterfly Love At the end of last year, as the weather started to get cooler, the local butterflies were all...
Crescent and Bee Last week on my way home I discovered a beautiful climbing aster bush on the banks of...
Fall in Flight Fall is either here or just around the corner depending on whether you consider it beginning on...
Poised Often we do not give insects credit for the incredible creatures that they actually are. They can do any...
Flitting Fritillary A short time ago I showed everyone the spiky orange caterpillar of the gulf fritillary butterfly (Agraulis vanillae),...
Ornamented American painted ladies (Vanessa virginiensis) are all over the place right now. Like the rest of our beautiful butterflies,...
Phaon Crescent Butterflies Absolutely Love the Spring Sun shows one of these gorgeous spring butterflies warming itself in the afternoon sun.
The Lovely American Lady is One Colorful Butterfly shows readers a macro photo of an American lady while feeding. It emphasizes the beautiful, bright colors of the butterfly and gives a nice view of how the butterfly eats.
Yet Another Beautiful, Colorful Brushfooted Butterfly introduces readers to the queen butterfly, a close relative of the monarch. It shows readers how similar this butterfly is to the monarch, and then gives some interesting facts about the species.
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