Even Beautiful Birds Can Have a Really Bad Hair Day
Winter Wind in My Hair Earlier this month I decided to go hiking at Payne’s Prairie State Park. It was...
Winter Wind in My Hair Earlier this month I decided to go hiking at Payne’s Prairie State Park. It was...
Blue in Ivy All the little eastern blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) babies have flown the nest and have departed the...
A Flip of the Wing Sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) are fairly common wading birds in north central Florida (as well...
Profile of Bluey Momma and Poppa cardinal were the first birds that started coming to my feeding station on a...
Profile of a Blue Jay As long as I have lived here there have always been Eastern blue jays (Cyanocitta...
Colorful Blue Jays are Brilliant and Often Quite Bold shows readers a young eastern blue jay that showed up at the author/artist’s feeding station. It tells readers how he behaved and how entertaining he was.
A Little Family of Sandhill Cranes is a Beautiful Sight features the photo of a family of three of these amazing birds. It explains where they were and what they were doing.
The Eastern Bluebird is Colorful and Highly Territorial features a minimalist photo of a male Eastern bluebird defending his territory with a song. It explains where the author/artist found the bird and a bit more about their interaction.
The Beautiful Steller’s Jay has Colorful Plumage tells readers some interesting facts about this bold, omnivorous bird of western North America. It also touches on it’s relationship to the Eastern blue jay and their similar habits.
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