Turkey Vultures are Interesting Members of Nature’s Cleanup Crew shows readers a couple images of a turkey vulture that is down with prey. It explains why the author/artist likes these birds so much and it explains a bit of their behavior.
Can You Soar the Whole Way to the Moon? This evening’s post features a soaring black vulture in late afternoon, just as the moon is beginning to rise. It gives the impression that the bird is attempting to soar to the moon.
The Bald Eagle is a Magnificent, Stunning North American Raptor shows readers a pair of bald eagles that live near Seward, Alaska. It tells readers a little bit about this pair of birds and about bald eagles in general. Finally, it shows another bird in a more natural habitat.
There are Two Awesome Types of Vultures in Florida shows readers images of both the black vulture and the turkey vulture. These are the only two types of vultures in the United States and both can be found in central Florida.
The Amazing Black Vulture Really Pops in Blue presents a stylized image of a black vulture sunning itself on an old oak branch. It also explains the author/artist’s motivation for the image.
International Vulture Awareness Day is For Nature’s Amazing Cleaning Crew discusses why vultures are important to the environment and why their populations are declining. It also gives some history on the event.
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