The Breeding Season is Coming Soon for the Beautiful Songbirds
Wind Song A pretty red bird perches high in a tree on a windy afternoon. He belts out an interesting...
Wind Song A pretty red bird perches high in a tree on a windy afternoon. He belts out an interesting...
Handsome Back in 2023, Momma and Poppa cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) raised three clutches of little cardinals, and by the time...
In the Weeds The young northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) have always been prone to hiding in the weeds and underbrush...
Say What?! This year’s bunch of young cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) haven’t left yet despite Poppa’s efforts to get them to...
The Wonderful Cardinal Pair are Getting Ready for Winter shows the female cardinal that lives near the author/artist’s home as she eats at a feeding station. It notes that she looks a bit patchy due to molting and using feathers for lining the nest.
The Immature Cardinals are Adorable and Fun to Watch features a young male cardinal fledgling. He was brought to a feeding station by his father and showed watchers some entertaining personality.
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