The Red Spotted Purple is Always a Beautiful Butterfly
Cerulean Glow Tonight’s image is a throw back to this past summer. I actually had forgotten all about this shot...
Cerulean Glow Tonight’s image is a throw back to this past summer. I actually had forgotten all about this shot...
Roller Flight Here in central Florida we have lots of gorgeous butterflies of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Most...
Downward Hairstreak Grey hairstreaks (Strymon melinus) are a very small butterfly, especially when compared to ones like the Palamedes swallowtails....
Deposit This pretty little zebra longwing butterfly (Heliconius charithonia) was very busy laying her eggs on various passion fruit vines....
Duskywing and Chaste When the chaste trees in the local plant nursery were blooming they attracted a lot of pollinators....
Into the Light Like all photographers, especially when we are starting out, I know I’ve been guilty of over processing...
Awash in Blue Just about my all time favorite butterfly is the colorful red spotted purple (Limenitis arthemis astyanax). I...
Uni-skipper Now that the butterflies are returning, I’m seeing more and more of them each day. Being very early in...
So Many Eyes Even though much of the United States is struggling with late snow, here in Florida spring has...
Purple Prickles When this beautiful red-spotted purple butterfly (Limenitis arthemis astyanax) elegantly landed on a vibrant prickly poppy flower (Argemone...
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