Bird Breeding Behavior is a Wonderful Part of Spring
A Treat for My Love The breeding season for birds is in full swing in north central Florida. Birds are...
A Treat for My Love The breeding season for birds is in full swing in north central Florida. Birds are...
A Big Yawn Most mornings I enjoy having my first cup of coffee outside with the birds and other wild...
My Favorite Winter Bird Every fall there is at least one little oven bird (Seiurus aurocapilla) that shows up here...
Chick-a-dee There are plenty of really adorable little birds that come and go on my property. My absolute favorite is...
Downy Woodpecker For about a year now there has been a pretty little downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens) living in the...
In the Weeds The young northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) have always been prone to hiding in the weeds and underbrush...
Bright Eyes On the way out to Cedar Key on Thursday, I spotted this American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) perched watchfully...
A Wren in a Tree Recently, I’ve been wanting to try something a little different with the birds that I...
Blue in Ivy All the little eastern blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) babies have flown the nest and have departed the...
Dove Strut It seems like it’s been forever since I wrote a post! It’s actually only been about a week,...
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