Honey Bees Really Love These Gorgeous Fall Asters
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
Buzzing Asters Climbing asters (Ampelaster carolinianus) have got to be one of my favorite fall flowers. First and foremost, they’re...
The Climbing Aster is the Most Interesting and Unique Fall Flower explains several reasons why this flower is so unusual. It also discusses range, habitats, and favored growing conditions.
These Beautiful Golden Flowers are One of the Common Colors of Summer discusses the summer season and how this summer wildflower is one of the earliest symbols of the season. It also shows readers a prime example of the flower with it’s bright yellow petals that are an iconic color of the summer season.
Carolina Desert Chicory is Beautiful, Colorful Pollinator Attractant discusses the uses of this gorgeous flower as an attractor for pollinators and other wildlife. It also gives readers some facts about the plant and it’s other uses.
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