Beautiful Carolina Desert Chicory Loves All Dry Sandy Habitats
Sandhill Chicory There isn’t much blooming yet here in north central Florida, but it won’t be long before it starts....
Sandhill Chicory There isn’t much blooming yet here in north central Florida, but it won’t be long before it starts....
Back in the fall on one of my hikes in the Gothe State Forest I came across a fairly large...
Fall Resplendence Although my primary reason (other than to see my friends) when I went out to Watermelon Pond to...
Fall Sunburst Camphorweed flowers (Heterotheca subaxillaris) are beautiful and vibrant during autumn. Their colors range from light orange to bright...
Fabulous Florets When I hiked out to the little marshy area in Gothe State Forest, I saw quite a few...
Beautiful Rose Rush is an Almost Exclusively Florida Flower introduces readers to the rose rush flower and shows several photos of it. It provides basic information about the flower and the plant and explains why it’s special to the author/artist.
Late Year Dog Fennel Seeds Can be Glowingly Beautiful features a dog fennel plant in seed picking up the late afternoon light. It also tells readers a little bit about the plants in general and about the author/artist’s experience with them.
Coastalplain Palafox is a Beautiful and Colorful Florida Native introduces readers to these beautiful fall flowers. It compares them with the other Florida native palafox and shares basic facts such as classification, habitat, and range.
Shaggy Blazing Star Is a Beautiful Addition to the Sandhills shows readers this little known species of Liatris or blazing star. It also discusses the plants range, habitats, medicinal uses, and attractiveness to wildlife.
Florida Paintbrush Has Showy and Colorful Flowers Each Fall shows readers the beauty of the Florida paintbrush blooms. It discusses these flowers range, uses as an ornamental and attractiveness to pollinators.
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