The Iconic Red Legged Grasshopper is Beautiful and Amazingly Adaptable is the story of one encounter with a grasshopper and how it reminded me of an incredible way that they adapt to food shortages.
Surprise! A Beautiful Alder Leaf Beetle on the Passion Fruit tell of findings one of these pretty little beetles that usually live on alder trees munching on a passion fruit vine leaf.
The Scarlet Winged Lichen Moth: Beautiful Adult but Bland Caterpillar tells the story of how I first noticed this beautiful and common moth, but have never noticed it’s well camouflaged caterpillar.
The Beautiful but Elusive Obscure Bird Grasshopper talks about this colorful and impressive sized grasshopper, it’s habitat, and it’s behavior.
Enjoying the Migration of the Beautiful Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly discusses the fall migration of these creatures through the Gainesville, Florida area.
The Amazing and Beautiful Brown Katydid gives some interesting information about katydids, and tells the story of my struggle to Identify this individual.
How to Deal With a Walking Stick in the Bathroom tells the story of what I did when I found a large female walking stick in my bathroom. It might not be what you think!
Florida Carpenter Ants Love Passion Fruit Flower Nectar discusses the Florida carpenter ant which is known for eating insects and decaying plant matter, but also loves the sweet nectar of the passion fruit flower.
How to Identify Stable Flies and Get Rid of Them gives several hints on ways to tell biting stable flies from common house flies. It then goes on to recommend several ways to decrease stable fly populations.
The Two Lined Spittlebug; a Beautiful Adult with Gross Larvae tells the story of how I discovered this species and their grass damaging larvae.
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